Saturday, June 20, 2020

Admitted Students Weekend Is it worth going

Colleges host an Admitted Students Weekend for incoming freshmen every year in April so accepted students can experience campus life and be encouraged to enroll. While it may seem like a good opportunity, is it really worth it? For those accepted early to the class of 2021, congratulations! Admitted Students Weekend should be coming up soon, but you may still be waiting to hear back to a few additional schools you applied to. If you were considering going, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Costs If you’ve been on a college tour, you probably already know the costs of going to visit a school, especially one that is far from home. If you’re really torn between two schools, then I’d recommend visiting both of them to see which is a better fit for you. 2. Dorm Life One of the greatest benefits of attending Admitted Students Weekend is the opportunity to live in the dorms and spend time with a current student. You’ll get to experience what living in the dorms are like, going to classes, and what college students do on weekends. What you should keep in mind: Ask if you can check out other dorms. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that most colleges have older and new facilities, so don’t expect all the dorms to have the same amenities. 3. Time of Year Most colleges spend of a lot of time and money on Admitted Student Weekends. They want to make sure that they maintain a high percentage yield. In other words, they want as many students they accepted to enroll as possible. That’s why many Admitted Student Weekends actually coincide with spring fling, or similarly big campus activities. What you should keep in mind: College is not like this every day of the year. The festivities over the weekend will definitely get your interest up and get you pumped up for college, but you also have to spend the rest of the year on campus. Make sure you explore the activities that you care about all year round! 4. Student Body Depending on your student host, you’ll also get to meet a lot of current students. Don’t be shy and ask her to introduce you to other students who are majoring in the fields you are interested in. See what the facilities the university offers. If you are interested in art, check out the art studios. If you are interested in being a STEM major, go check out the research labs and opportunities the college offers. 5. Academic Classes Follow your student host to some classes! Again, your experience is going to depend on what field they are majoring in and what classes they take. If you have the opportunity, try to be in both smaller discussion classes and large lecture halls. Majority of medium size colleges will offer both, and it’s important for you to see what classes are like. That’s why you are going to college after all! What more insight into touring campuses after getting accepted? Here’s a snippet from one of our free webinars, hosted by current college students themselves! They share a little a bit about whether or not they chose to tour and whether or not it ultimately made and impact on their college decision.

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